Friday, February 25, 2011

Morning tea

Yesterday morning I was invited for morning tea along with eight other school mums. Now I've got visions of the ideal pad for us Greens but it wasn't until strolling around the beautiful, quaint corridors of Monica's private little haven that I realised this was it, the bricks and mortar that dreams are truly made of. The veranda around the outside, the English style garden, the country kitchen, high ceilings, huge's the kind of house you see on those amazing property shows when the pain-staking renovations and misery has passed.

The morning involved a multitude of home-baked culinary delights, flowers, delicious tea and lots of chit chat about our kids and school. Turns out Fin's making quite the impression amongst his peers and that he's gained a little prestige from being first up to win an honour certificate. We've even had a few offers of a swim after school which we're gladly accepting (anything to get out of our tropical hell hole). Another heatwave has hit so temperatures inside are at an all time high and the portable air con unit is starting to grumble with the extra work.

On the plus side, we handed our notice into the agent today which means just two weeks more of enveloping heat before we move our clan to cooler climes. The hunt now begins for a new humble abode - one with air con this time. Tres exciting.


- English Dad In Moscow - said...

My dream would be to live in Aussie. I am a fellow Brit living in Moscow and hating it.

Lara Green said...

We have friends en route back from a long stint in Moscow, I think they're pretty excited about coming back :)