Monday, February 14, 2011

The playroom lands...

D and I have become a tad lacklustre in our parenting technique of late so we decided to re-inject some traditional play activities into the kids lives with a little lounge area at the back of the house. This part of the house is a little odd. Not quite a room but a little too big to be made redundant, it's a perfect den area for little people and has just the right amount of space for Lego constructions, tea parties, lounging around with a book or playing Guess Who (our current fave).

It also means all our favourite stories can be displayed at a reachable height which will hopefully encourage a greater instinct to read and enjoy books. Bay has discovered she loves having her books all on one shelf and spent half an hour flicking through her personal library this morning (albeit whilst sitting in the washing basket). We also spent an hour making Lego houses, cars and rockets - something we haven't done for months it seems.

So here it is, our new mini Green snug. Long may it last.

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