Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I usually dislike blowing my own kids trumpet, but for now I will put personal preferences aside and go for it because today was one of my proudest mummy moments of 2011. One week in and already the boy is going up on stage to accept an achievement of award. He even got to shake hands with the Principal, much to his delight.

Now Don Barba is a head to impress. He knows ALL the kids names, always has a smile on his face and never seems to raise his voice, even when under obvious stress (which I witnessed during the registration process before Christmas). He's also a sociable wotnot and has already organised a series of parents picnics and events for school families, what a trouper.

Fin's certificate was for being 'kind and considerate to others and demonstrating a grown up and confident approach to school'. When I was a kid I'm pretty sure I was doing everything humanly possible to get out of going to school, whilst D was on the other side of the world vomiting at the front gates. So quite where he gets this keen interest in being institutionalised is rather beyond us. Not that we're complaining of course...

Well done Fin, we are a very proud house this eve :)

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