Tuesday, February 1, 2011

School begins!

Here we are at last - a new school year, a new teacher and lots of new faces for Fin to get to know. He leapt out of bed at 6.45am this morning and embarked on a full grooming routine to ensure he looked his best for his big day. Neat little socks, gel in the hair (he's rocking the slick Elvis look today), teeth cleaned, t-shirt buttons done up to the neck. It's funny watching him fuss over those little details that many kids of the same age miss - perhaps he'll be an architect or some sort of designer when he grows up...

Mrs Jasper was lovely and helped him find his seat. Next door buddies are Aoife and Matthew - both lovely kids and about a foot shorter than the boy. Papa Dave also came along to see the new day in and wished him 'the best of luck with the good looking sheila' - ie. Aoife - sat next to him. Naturally I had to suppress a little snigger...I completely see where my husband gets it from.

So all that remains is to wish my beautiful buddy the best luck in the world for his new school life. I feel excited, happy and relieved that we have an element of routine back into our lives and I know he feels the same...now to get the lady settled and we're home n dry. School rocks!

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