Monday, January 3, 2011


''s that strange lady taking pics of me again....'

This is CK (Otherwise known as Christian), my little nephew, gorgeous, funny and feisty as hell, but regretably cuddle-resistant with aunty Larsy. I'm not sure whether it's the long limbs, dark hair or big lens that puts him off, but what he doesn't know is that we will be great friends one day....

His favourite things are cars, drinking from colourful IKEA cups, biccies and looking at the moon. He also loves Fin and has been known to wake up in the night calling out 'innie!!!!!!!' In typical Fin style, he has embraced his new found popularity and has made it his plight in life to protect his little cousin and make him laugh at every available opportunity. I think the two of them will be great friends.

Today is the first day of work for D, so I am busily trying to plan our month so we have plenty to keep us occupied, let the mini people say 'muuuum I'm borrrrred' at their own peril.


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