Sunday, March 13, 2011

Progressive dinner

Saturday eve involved a trip to school for the annual (and much anticipated) progressive dinner. In a nutshell, you are put together with a group of 28 other parents and given a team colour, then you stroll, by torchlight around the streets to your designated house for starter, then onto another house for dinner and so on and so forth. Since our space is limited we decided not to host and donated a dish to the cause instead (borsch) which thankfully we didn't have to eat ourselves.

We got to know our blue team members over pea and bacon soup and a plethora of pretty yummy curries, pies and rice dishes, before heading over to Storthes street for desert extravaganza. We were quite possibly the only non-loaded couple at the event but that didn't stop us keeping up appearances. I personally think we did a grand job of blending in, though the conversation (mostly swimming pools, luxury holidays and all of the latest reno's) did become a tad tiresome towards the end. This selfie was taken in posh toilette at house number two and pretty much reflects my mood at that point in the eve. Rescue came in the form of a delicious sparkling NZ rose which went down a treat, providing just the right amount of intoxication for the rest of the eve. 

Sunday morn we were up at the crack of dawn for a charity breakfast at Swan Yacht Club in aid of the Yvonne Baker Foundation. The event involved a live and silent auction, raffle and a guest appearance by the local monk who told some interesting stories. D and I were delighted with our three raffle wins (round of golf, family rollerskating pass, free swimming) though the parking fine we received on exit kind of balanced it all out. Bloody parking inspectors....don't you just loathe them?

On the house front we will know today if the house we have applied for is ours. I was given the evil stare by a couple who left the agency as I came in but we have upped the game by offering a little extra in rent per month. Who will win is anyone's guess but I am secretly hoping the agent liked me (I gave her advice about her son - surely that counts for something?) and will hand the keys over this week, if only so I can stop thinking about damned houses for a while....

Fingers, toes and everything firmly crossed!

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