Monday, January 10, 2011

I don't like Mondays...

We have to share the car with Dan this week which means a) lots of public transport and b) quite a bit of map work to get ourselves around. This morning started out ok. Fin was due at soccer club at 9am so we left the house at 7.50am in search of bus route no: 16875. Mr bus driver (speedy Gonzales) arrived on time and took us to Morley Bus Station where we pulled in ten minutes ahead of schedule. Feeling pleased that I'd managed to get us this far, we hopped onto bus number 2 with a confident stride in our step, only to find that when we reached our destination, we'd gone to the wrong school...

Shoulders slumped we headed back to the bus stop where we called sis in law (saviour of the day) to come and collect us and deliver Fin to the correct establishment. Feeling like a prized loser, I swiftly handed him over to the coach, apologised for my tardy time-keeping and headed back with Kerst whilst the boy indulged in some quality kicking time that left him red as a beetroot.

The rest of the day was spent escaping the heat at Kersts (air con heaven) and later on at the library where we found free Wii access (hurrah!) and made friends with some nice kids from Mount Lawley Primary. Lucky for me, the mum was pretty cool too and we've arranged to meet next week for another library Wii-off, then perhaps a trip to the beach to hang out with some other peeps - including kids who will be in Fin's class this year.

So, despite the rocky start it was a pretty nice day in the end - we even had a home-cooked cottage pie donated to the Green cause via Nana Meg. Maybe Monday's aren't so bad after all....

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